Senin, 16 April 2018

Introduction to Quantum Computation


Quantum Computation itself is a field of study that is focused on developing computer technology based on the principles of quantum theory, which explains the nature and behavior of energy and matter on quantum (atomic and subatomic) levels.

There is also Quantum Computer. Then what's the difference with Quantum Computer?

Quantum Computer is a tool for calculations that use directly from quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on the Data. How it works is different from computer quantum own computer. In classical computing, the amount of data is calculated with bits in quantum computers this is done with qubits (quantum bits) which means if in a normal computer only recognize 0 or 1, with a qubit a quantum computer can recognize both simultaneously and it makes the work of a quantum computer it's faster than on a regular computer.


After a little understanding what is quantum computation and quantum computer we will enter the discussion of Entanglement. Entanglement itself is still part of Quantum Computation. What is Entanglement? Entanglement is a quantum mechanical theory that describes how quickly and how strongly the connected particles of a Quantum computer are where if a particle is treated "A" it will give an "A" effect to other particles as well.

There is also another understanding of Entanglement according to Albert Einstein's "Quantum Entanglement" in term "Remote Wizarding" which is the basic nature of quantum mechanics. Entanglement allows quantum information to spread over tens of thousands of kilometers, and is only limited by how fast and how many entanglement pairs can work in space. From the source I get from the internet: [Quantum entanglement] is a phenomenon that connects two particles in such a way that the changes that occur in one particle are instantly reflected in other particles, although physically may be among them apart several light years.

Operation of Qubit Data

Qubit is a quantum bit, a counterpart in quantum computing with binary digits or bits of classical computing. Just as little is the basic unit of information in classical computers, qubits are the basic units of information in quantum computers. In quantum computers, a number of elemental particles such as electrons or photons can be used (in practice, success has also been achieved with ions), either by their cost or polarization acting as a representation of 0 and / or 1. Each of these particles is known as a qubit, the nature and behavior of these particles (as expressed in quantum theory) forms the basis of quantum computing. The two most relevant aspects of quantum physics are the principle of superposition and Entanglement
The bit is represented by its status, 0 or 1. Similarly, the qubit is represented by its quantum state. Two potential quantum states for qubits are equivalent to classical 0 and 1 bits. But in quantum mechanics, any object that has two distinct states must have another potential status sequence, called superposition, which traps both states to varying degrees.

Quantum Gates

Gate itself in the Indonesian language is Gerbang.jadi Quantum Gates is a quantum gate in which operate operate bits consisting of 0 and 1 into qubits. thus Quantum gates accelerates the number of bit calculations at the same time.

Example of Quantum Gates:

Shor's algorithm

The Shor algorithm, named for mathematician Peter Shor, is a quantum algorithm that is an algorithm that runs on quantum computers that are useful for integer factorization. Shor's algorithm was formulated in 1994. The core of this algorithm is how to solve the factorization of large interger or rounded words.

The efficiency of the Shor algorithm is due to the quantum efficiency of the Fourier transform, and the modular exponential. If an adequate quantum quantum qubit computer can operate without compromising the noise and other quantum interference phenomena, the Shor algorithm can be used to solve public-key cryptography schemes such as the widely used RSA schemes. The Shor algorithm consists of two parts:

- Decreases that can be done on classical computers, from factoring problems to the problem of order-findings.

- A quantum algorithm to solve order-finding problems.

The runtime resistance of the Shor algorithm is a modular exponential quantum that is much slower than the classical Fourier transform and classical pre- / post-processing. There are several approaches for building and optimizing circuits for modular exponentials. The simplest and most current of the most practical approach is to use mimic the conventional arithmetic circuitry l with a reversible gate, starting with a ripple-carry adder. Reversible circuits usually use values on the order n ^ 3, the gate for n qubit. Asymptotic alternative techniques increase the number of gates by using Fourier quantum transformations, but are not competitive with less than 600 qubits because of the high constants.

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